Friday, February 22, 2008

5th-dimensional Ultraviolet Light baths? Bring 'em on
I've just learned of the following, and am decidedly miffed:

"Last week the Earth was bathed with a colossal influx of 5th-Dimensional Ultraviolet Light. This shaft of Light interpenetrated every electron of precious Life energy for approximately 17 hours. This powerful influx of Light accelerated one-millionfold the Etheric frequencies of the mental and emotional strata of Earth. During that time, this acceleration had the effect of amplifying Humanity's thoughts and emotions one-millionfold as well.

Lightworkers around the world took advantage of this rare opportunity and empowered hopes and dreams for themselves and for all Life on this sweet Earth. Now what should we anticipate from this gift of Light? How can we expand the beneficial effects?..." [It continues at: ]

What's more to the point: how did I miss this? What on earth was I doing when, this cosmic sun-bathing opportunity presented itself? I suppose it's for the best. I don't think I have an SPF high enough for this stuff by the sound of it. And I suppose the same rule as US Sci-Fi films applies here, anyway - that aliens and SurroundScreen Armageddon only visit the US of A. Bloody typical...

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