Friday, October 03, 2008

Why I was so frolicsome

City, originally uploaded by Nina Pope.

There you go. There's photographic evidence from the Great Common Ground Dickens Misadventure down the Thames, and then up the Thames, and then down the Thames again. Basically, a moving sunbathing platform as far as I was concerned. The City in all its finery. The last final, belated burst of summer.


Anonymous said...

What an amazing photo. I'd thought it not possible to point the camera at the sun & get *any* sort of clarity (except for sunrise & sunset shots). I guess the "twilight" look of the city comes about because it is underexposed in relation to central focus. Whatever technique your photographer used, the result is quite beautiful. J

The Helioholic said...

i think you can use a filter. if you look through flickr, where this was borrowed from, there are whole groups dedicated to capturing such an effect. flickr is addictive. i've been stocking the sunlounge gallery on my site from it recently. i'm going to post on it soon.