Sunday, June 15, 2008

Wish you were here?

A snap shot from my holiday. This is Malaga airport, and yours truly making the most of the last drop of sunshine before returning to the grey. With an hour to kill and the sun still beating down at 19.30, I managed to find the last patch, next at the corner of a car park, on the edge of a building site. It is part of my creed that sunshine can turn the meanest scrap of land into a corner of paradise, but this was pushing it. The security guard opposite hand me down as a suspicious character, and kept muttering into his walkie-talkie with officious intent. I was almost looking forward to being detained and grilled, so I could claim a martyrdom for the sunshine cause - harassment in the lawful course of my obsession -; but then the signal went up that Spain had beaten Sweden in some football match, and he even gave me a thumbs up and left me alone. He to his pleasures me to mine. An unusual snapshot from a holiday, perhaps, but for me a fitting souvenir from the land of solar abundance.


katyboo1 said...

Well now.
On the strength of that tragic photo alone I have decided to purchase your book. I reckon the profit you make will probably allow you to spend your holidays in Tobago or Maui next year if you're lucky and you invest it wisely :)

The Helioholic said...

I didn't know the sympathy vote would work so well. A wise choice, madame. May I commend your taste (stricly no returns policy if satisfaction not guaranteed). Ta very much.